[Linux-aus] Linux Australia Council Minutes Meetings: 2008/08/14

James Turnbull james at lovedthanlost.net
Fri Aug 15 09:03:52 EST 2008

Jonathan Oxer wrote:
>>   AP2008081402: James Turnbull will write up the ammendment necessary to
>> rename sub-committees to committees for putting at the next AGM.
> Why would a trivial thing like this have to wait until the next AGM?
> It's 60 seconds at the next Council meeting, and it's all done. It
> certainly shouldn't take a year from the time it was agreed to at one
> AGM before it's enacted at the next. I even sent an email to the Council
> in Feb saying it needed to be done and including wording ready to go so
> it doesn't even have to be drafted, just vote and it's all over with.


My actions in this direction are based on your email.  But the issue is
three-fold in my understanding (and happy to be corrected if I've made
an invalid assumption):

1.  Reconstitute the committees - the 60 second effort
2.  Review the commmittees - partially started at the last face2face
3.  Re-write Sections 21 and 22 to explictly reflect that sub-committees
are now committees

It was my belief that 3. requires an amendment since Amendment 4 didn't
include those changes.  If the amendment isn't needed then great.  I've
attached the update I proposed.


James Turnbull

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