On Wed, 2007-01-31 at 10:50 +1100, Ken Wilson wrote:
With a speaker that is used to repeating questions this works well, but
many speakers have not yet learnt this, maybe prompting would help, but
in small theatres where all people can hear the floor question it is
counter intuitive to repeat the question for the recording.
It is true the speaker doesn't always repeat the
question. But equally it seemed to me that the
person asking often didn't wait for the microphone.
At LCA2006 the audience often corrected the problem
when the speaker didn't repeat the question by yelling
"question". It became a kind of a game between the
audience and the speaker, possibly because the
audience didn't here the question either. On the
other hand once a question was asked from the floor
without the microphone at LCA2007 I noticed it
usually wasn't corrected.
So one way the problem is largely self-correcting
without any input from the AV team. The other way
isn't, and requires someone from the AV team to
run around like mad chooks during question time.