Hi Silvia,
On 31/01/2007, at 1:06 AM, Silvia Pfeiffer wrote:
> We actually discussed this point a bit at a previous SLUG meeting.
> While it would be a good idea for the LUGs to use the equipment to get
> more experience in video recording, it would also mean that next
> year's LCA a/v team would need to start buying stuff from scratch -
> because once the gear is handed over to a LUG, it will (hopefully) be
> used and thus, obviously, lose quality.
Sorry, this is not obvious to me - why will it lose quality or become
unusable? Obviously tapes and other media will deteriorate, but well
built hardware (things like tripods, mixers, cables, microphones,
cameras) should last quite some time, and the quality shouldn't
appreciable deteriorate as they are used. Things like DVD burners
might possibly get less reliable from occasionally use over this
year, but unless they are really poor quality in the first place,
they should still be fine for LCA'08.