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Re: [Linux-aus] LA ctte meeting summary 2005/02/13

On Wed, 2005-02-23 at 10:57 +1100, Jonathan Oxer wrote:
> On Tue, 2005-02-22 at 21:53 +1100, Pia Smith wrote:
> In addition to this I expect that tracking things like grant proposals
> will eventually be done through the LA task tracker. There's already a
> "Grant Proposals" task category, so it should be really easy for anyone
> to see a list of all proposals and check their status. Right now we're
> still playing with the tracker and just starting to add stuff but it
> will gain content pretty fast.

Can you do RSS out of the task tracker?

I know you can do jabber notifications (talk about *way* cool).

Stewart Smith (stewart@linux.org.au)
Committee Member, Linux Australia

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