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Re: [Linux-aus] State representation on the board: vision for LA

On Fri, 9 Jan 2004 12:37, Paul Shirren wrote:
> Living outside a capital city, and closer to NSW and Vic than
> Adelaide, I can see some weaknesses to the state rep argument.

Talk to Ben Jensz about that. I'm his closest rep and he's 24 hours' 
drive north of me. Next closest would actually be Brisbane if we had 
one there, then Canberra.

> The idea that you have to cosy up to some local rep in real life
> to get the low down on LA activities seems more elitist and
> exclusionary to me than an LA which is run openly and which
> takes an active role communicating with its membership.

Well said.

> Every state has something different to contribute and its own
> proud achievements.

Yes, especially WA.

> LA could perhaps lift its game on point 3, communication with
> membership.

Yes. AfC is considering a newsletter which I guess counts as "regular 
announcements". Several of the minutes were held up pending legal 
advice, otherwise they tracked reasonably well (typically a week or two 
after the meeting, modulo that legal issue plus one delay while AfC was 
uber-busy overseas).

> As for getting matters raised
> with LA I am not sure a local member is going to be any more
> accessable or effective than emailing committee at linux.org.au.

I have a policy of sending at least an ACK if I see an alien message and 
nobody else has ACKed it.

Perhaps we can nominate a list monkey and list backup monkey 
(http://www.nightflight.com/foldoc-bin/foldoc.cgi?scratch+monkey) for 
this very purpose, from among those Committee who are usually near an 
email client?

Cheers; Leon

http://cyberknights.com.au/     Modern tools; traditional dedication
http://plug.linux.org.au/       Committee Member, Perth Linux User Group
http://slpwa.asn.au/            Committee Member, Linux Professionals WA
http://linux.org.au/            Committee Member, Linux Australia