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Re: [Linux-aus] State representation on the board: vision for LA

On Fri, 2004-01-09 at 15:37, Paul Shirren wrote:
> LA could perhaps lift its game on point 3, communication with 
> membership. Accurate and easily accessable minutes, regular 
> announcements to the list etc. As for getting matters raised 
> with LA I am not sure a local member is going to be any more 
> accessable or effective than emailing committee at linux.org.au.

In the minutes case, please remember that we were seeking legal advice
on if publishing them (with discussions of specific topics intact) would
damage our legal position in regards to such matters. We'd actually be
doing the community a great disservice if we didn't wait for such legal

We're sorry we didn't get it all sorted out sooner - but finite
resources, finding the right people for the job etc contributed.

The regular announcements thing seems like it should be back on the
table - i think it fell off for a while this year purely because of
everybody's time constraints - we were all putting a fair amount of
effort into good things (both LA and non-LA related) and still helping
LA find its feet.

Stewart Smith <stewart@linux.org.au>
Linux Australia Inc

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