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Re: [Linux-aus] State representation on the board

On Sat, 2004-01-10 at 05:34, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> I would like to see advisory sub-committees, such as a group of LUG leaders,
> a group of business leaders (you could call opensource.org.au and the
> proposed national business group an advisory sub-committee), government and
> education experts, etc., etc. That allows us to have a great committee from
> where ever, regional representation and special interest representation as
> the community and committee sees fit. Plus, you don't have to have a huge,
> unwieldy decision making core (the committee).

Rock - this is what I was going to suggest when there was enough
interest and momentum for it to work (and people to do things). I think
we're actually getting there - and hopefully sometime this year it'll
actually start happenning, with people wanting to be part of these
advisoral sub-committees.

Stewart Smith <stewart@linux.org.au>
Linux Australia Inc

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