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Re: [Linux-aus] State representation on the board

<quote who="Andrew Cowie">

> So, for Linux Australia, this whole thread has made me think to recommend:
> 1) That we enlarge the Managing Committee
> 2) That we come up with a list of stakeholders/skills that we'd like to
> see filled.

I would like to see advisory sub-committees, such as a group of LUG leaders,
a group of business leaders (you could call opensource.org.au and the
proposed national business group an advisory sub-committee), government and
education experts, etc., etc. That allows us to have a great committee from
where ever, regional representation and special interest representation as
the community and committee sees fit. Plus, you don't have to have a huge,
unwieldy decision making core (the committee).

- Jeff

Come to gnome.conf.au 2004!   http://www.gnome.org/~jdub/2004/gnome.conf.au/
                      My VHS is better than your VHS.