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Re: [Linux-aus] State representation on the board

<quote who="Anthony Towns">

> > That's why LUG involvement is so crucial. You can get the same benefit
> > through very close cooperation and communication with LUGs -> thus the
> > private lug@ list. Make use of it! (All of you!)
> Well, no offense, but I really don't think that's the case, and I don't
> really think people who are on the ctte, or members of SLUG are in a great
> position to see the difference...

Why would SLUG people be any different? As I've indicated, SLUG doesn't have
any strong informational links with LA at all, particularly now that I've
resigned. SLUG committee members are, however, on the lug@ list. They have
as much and as little opportunity to get involved as everyone else.

> Where's the best copy of spycyroll, anyway? The sourceforge page seem not
> to have been updated for ages, but I thought both PlanetGnome and
> PlanetDebian had made some interesting modifications (like the thumbnails,
> if nothing else)...

Currently in a private repo, shared patches and so on; we'll probably do a
release after linux.conf.au. The code is still quite messy and hard to work
with architecturally. But, it's doing the job. :-)

- Jeff

Come to gnome.conf.au 2004!   http://www.gnome.org/~jdub/2004/gnome.conf.au/
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