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Re: [Linux-aus] State representation on the board

<quote who="Anthony Towns">

> Being on a list is fine and dandy; being in the core group, which has
> access to all the information, and actually makes the decisions is best.
> Failing that, having as easy access to someone in that situation as
> possible is best.


> The best person to coordinate Linux Australia's activities with people in
> Queensland is someone in Queensland.
> Sure, being a braniac or a hyperactive go-getter is cool, but it doesn't
> come close to the benefit of being on site.

That's why LUG involvement is so crucial. You can get the same benefit
through very close cooperation and communication with LUGs -> thus the
private lug@ list. Make use of it! (All of you!)

> > I think you've just convinced me that regular summaries/newsletter type
> > things are a Real Good Idea(tm) to keep the communication levels up.
> PlanetLA?

I'm actually setting up an Australian FOSS hackers and contributors planet
site for LA, yes. :-)

- Jeff

Come to gnome.conf.au 2004!   http://www.gnome.org/~jdub/2004/gnome.conf.au/
     "It is said that there are only six jokes in the world, and I can
    assure you that we can only broadcast three of them..." - John Watt,
                   the BBC's Head of Variety in the 30's