[Video] Willingness to pay the proper people

Tim Ansell mithro at mithis.com
Tue Jun 18 15:13:05 EST 2013

On 18 June 2013 15:07, Paul Wayper <paulway at internode.on.net> wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
> From:
> "Tim Ansell" <mithro at mithis.com>
> To:
> "Paul Wayper" <paulway at mabula.net>
> Cc:
> <video at lists.linux.org.au>
> Sent:
> Tue, 18 Jun 2013 14:55:01 +1000
> Subject:
> Re: [Video] Willingness to pay the proper people
>  The main fear, as I see it, with going with a company to record video
>> from LCA is the loss of control.  We lose control of the output formats, we
>> lose the ability to correct things afterward, and it's more difficult - and
>> costly - to change things as needed during the conference.
> I think some of this is lack actually doing specification of your
> requirements. For example; if you want the output in free formats *require
> that in the contract*. The fact that it is missing from the contract
> would be like missing the fact that you want a room for 500 people rather
> than 10!
> Yeah, good luck with that.  Because I suspect most companies are built to
> just deliver the final product and will just refuse to work with something
> that requires that kind of internal control.  And I also wouldn't trust it
> to just be a crappy, low-quality Theora re-encode of the h.264 output.
> Yes, specifying it in the contract is the right way to solve the problem,
> but it begs the question of whether you can get them to sign the contract
> with that requirement.
> Anyway, I think this list is more interested in keeping our own control of
> video production and using FOSS to achieve it :-)
> Have fun,
> Paul

Exactly, if nobody is willing to sign our contract we need to either do it
ourselves or make do with removing some of the requirements.

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