[Linux-aus] LUG Videoing Grants Proposal

Julien Goodwin linux-aus at studio442.com.au
Mon Feb 11 13:31:13 UTC 2008

On Fri, Feb 08, 2008 at 05:41:01PM +1000, Anthony Towns arranged a set of bits into the following:
> Okay, so collating the responses so far, it sounds like the following
> might make sense:

>  - They include a list of at least one talk each month between March and
>    June that they've already got scheduled, with a speaker and a venue,
>    that they'll attempt to record and publish
For all they LUGS complaining about this I'd like to make a point from
my time on the LUV comittee (2005-2007) whilst we certainly weren't
usually booked three months ahead we almost always knew about the major
talks at least a month out and often two. That level of planning is why
we were able to have such consistantly high quality of talks.

And no, being in Melbourne wasn't a bit aid to that, of the "top shelf"
talks I can think of during our time many of the best were from people
who were travelling Australia and we (OK, big props here to Chris Samuel
who did most of the speaker finding during my time on ctte) were able to
convince them that taking the detour to Melbourne was worth it to speak
to our group.

>  - We let LUGs choose the equipment/approach they want, but point at existing
>    suggestions, such as:

>      http://lists.linux.org.au/pipermail/linux-aus/2008-February/016575.html
>        -- Julien Goodwin voluteers to do transcoding from HDDs or DVDs
Stuff that. I'll just say that if a LUG gets the talk recorded should
they request it I commit to working with them to get me source media
in some format and I'll get it edited, encoded and uploaded.

If all six groups all decide to buy DV cameras and post me tapes then I'll
just have to go and buy a deck.

>  - We set a $12,000 budget for this (so limited to six LUGs unless
>    some LUGs can get by with less than $2000 from LA).
I'd also prefer to see it so that (say) LUV and Melbourne Perl Mongers
don't both get a set. A set to the largest group in the locality who
have shown themselves able to manage it under the expectation that it be
lent to other local groups for their needs.


13:48 <cafuego> cef: 10 rolls of gaffer done
13:57 <DagdaMor> what? only 10
13:58 <cafuego> were you volunteering to get more?
14:03 <DagdaMor> you can never have too much gaff tape
14:18 <cafuego> i challenge you to repeat that from inside a 6 foot ball of gaffer
14:21 <DagdaMor> when I burst out of the ball, you'll wish you'd used more...
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