[Aslug] Requesting library to purchase books / resources

Ken T professorsnapper at gmail.com
Mon Mar 29 18:50:06 EST 2010


At the last ASLUG meeting, the idea was floated of getting the Alice Public
Library to update its IT collection, which is presently a bit outdated and
ho-hum (and not especially FLOSS-friendly).

I'd like to put this idea on the table again, and to garner ideas for
suitable titles / resources. My $0.02 would be that it's desirable to get
books, etc which won't date too quickly, are broadly applicable and are
likely to be appealing to a significant number of people. Another criteria
could be books that draw people into the LUG scene..

To that end, I'll suggest a couple of titles to get the ball rolling. Once
we've got some contenders for purchase, maybe we can put in a group request,
to lend weight to the library's purchase decision...

The below suggestions are all on Python or Object-oriented programming (or
both). Feel free to suggest other topics...

Python programming for the absolute beginner

Head First Design Patterns

Design Patterns: Elements of reuseable object-oriented software

Python Essential Reference - Beazley

Programming in Python 3 - A complete introduction to the Python language
(2nd ed.)

Learning Python - powerful object-oriented programming

There are no absolutes in life. Period.

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