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Re: [Linux-aus] Ubuntu Certification (was: lca2005 CD)

On 05/04/2006, at 12:23 PM, Jeff Waugh wrote:

<quote who="Steve Walsh">

Now forgive me if I'm wrong, and please be nice enough to flame me off
list if I am, but I was under the impression the LPI's were meant to be
Vendor Neutral. By introducing a vendor specific exam into the LPI stream,
isn't this just moving the LPI's away from their Benefit ie - A means of
measuring the certified person's knowledge of the core linux kernel and
subsystem. ?

I tend to think this model better supports the vendor neutral approach that
LPI has taken. Choose your poison: LPI 101, 102 and Ubuntu 103 on top or an
entirely separate RHCE or Novell certification?

One thing that may come from doing certifications in such a way, that is, LPI plus "Specific" linux, is that it may start to diminish the quality of the LPI certification. What exactly is in all these specific distributions - SuSE, Ubuntu etc that is not covered in the LPI? It is usually specific tools such as configuration tools, network tools etc. These are not Linux as such, but relate more to certification of a particular application.
