[LC++]scripting in C++

Jan Pfeifer pfjan at yahoo.com.br
Wed Sep 29 22:46:01 UTC 2004

hi all,

lately i've been using more and more C++ even for
small  programs for which i would previously use perl
or python.

so I'm trying to implement something to easy the
process of compiling and using these C++ "scripts",
and was wondering if i could have some comments/ideas
from you on the subject -- whatever I do with it I'll
publish later here as GNU software.

my idea so far is very simple:

- start the C++ "scripts" with a 

   #!/path/scriptc++ [linker options]

- let's say I have a "filter.cc" program.

- the "scriptc++" program tests if there is a
".filter.cc.compiled" file, and if not, or if
"filter.cc" is newer, it tries to recompile and link
"filter.cc" to ".filter.cc.compiled"

- if compilation is successful, or if
".filter.cc.compiled" is newer than "filter.cc", just
run it with the extra options passed to the execution
of "filter.cc"

thanks in advance for any comments :)


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