[LC++]OS Programming

Jack Lloyd lloyd at acm.jhu.edu
Fri Sep 27 00:21:02 UTC 2002

EROS (eros-os.org) was, but is being rewritten into C for various reasons
(most of which are wrong IMO but whatever...) -Jack

On Wed, 25 Sep 2002, Keith Schincke wrote:

> Atheos comes to mind as a C++ written OS. I have not heard about them in a
> year (maybe I was just working too much ;))
> This web site lists off a number of OSes and a few of them are in C++. I
> donno how fuctional they are. Atheos looked pretty good and was posix
> (mostly)
>  http://tunes.org/Review/OSes.html
> Maybe they are just too hard to design.
> (the list seems to work a little)

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