[LC++]template and gcc

Vincent Penquerc'h Vincent.Penquerch at artworks.co.uk
Tue Mar 26 09:03:06 UTC 2002

> gcc-2.7.2 to generate the required object code (the "template class 
> Running<int>;" approach wasn't reliable with that compiler).  I also 

Oh, sorry. I didn't know that.
Do you know if it's because of a bug in this version, or because
this method is undefined behavior ?

> way, particularly with the adoption of the STL.  Presumably 
> linkers have got 
> a lot smarter in adopting techniques to avoid duplicate code.

That's the export keyword, and it's a bitch to get working
properly. But it's in the standard :) So one day, we'll maybe
have it working in our compilers...

Vincent Penquerc'h 
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