[Media] FOR REVIEW - Early draft of Linux Australia Annual report - please check your photo or event details

Andrew Pam andrew at sericyb.com.au
Tue Jan 15 15:31:16 AEDT 2019

On 13/1/19 7:53 pm, Linux Australia President via luv-ctte wrote:
> We're on a short timeframe, so feedback by Tuesday CoB is very much
> appreciated - apologies in advance for the poor amount of notice - I'm
> crunched for time and am managing several conflicting demands on my time
> at the moment.

Page 10 is a mess:

"authors" should be "auditors".

"this year's "Future Years" column will be
become next years "Future Years" column": "be become" is a typo and
"next years" should be "next year's".  Also, is it correct that the
"Future Years" column is carried over from year to year unchanged?  That
seems poorly explained.

"over overheads" is another typo and so is "cover's LA overheads" and
"its in the range" which should be "covers" and "it's" respectively.

"Conferences tend to run longer and charge more they become better know"
should be "...as they become better known".

"profits have been a continuing source contention" should be "source of

"As LA is the legal entity running the conferences." is an incomplete
sentence, and should be joined with the next sentence with a comma.

"runningthe" should be "running the".

Page 11:

"it's policies" should be "its policies".

"treated no differently similar conditional expenses" should be "treated
no differently to similar conditional expenses".

"It will allow conference to spend profits" should be "conferences" plural.

"easy the tension" should be "ease the tension".

"the  conference" should only have one space.

"if we wan to" should be "if we want to".

Page 15:

"we welcomed keynotes" should probably be "we welcomed keynotes from" or
"we welcome keynote speakers".

"delegates.The" is missing a space.

Page 16:

The PyCon AU banner image has nasty compression artefacts.  Is a cleaner
version available, perhaps in a vector format?

Page 20:

Again, the HealthHack logo has visible compression artefacts.

Otherwise, looks great!


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