[LCP]'return' statement

Bill Rausch BRausch at owt.com
Wed Feb 9 14:28:01 UTC 2005

At 5:56 +0000 2/9/05, preeth k wrote:
>Can you tell me what this line of C code means?
>   return 1l;  (or, return 0l;)

Means to return a "long" value of zero or one.  Should be unnecessary 
in an ANSI C compiler.  A simple 0 or 1 would be promoted to long if 
required by the function prototype.

Bill Rausch

The best things in life are nearest: Breath in your nostrils, light in your
eyes, flowers at your feet, duties at your hand, the path of right just
before you. -Robert Louis Stevenson, novelist, essayist, and poet

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