[LCP]my queries

Mike and/or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at mtdata.com
Tue Jan 6 23:55:54 UTC 2004

OK Aditya,
    Then your "deliverable" is NOT a working and reasonably robust 
application -- ALL you need is the implementation of some specific piece 
of the whole project. Well from your initial request I couldn't tell 
that -- you said I need to design/write something that does X and so I 
had to assume you meant "the whole thing" -- maybe as a skeleton and 
maybe as a finished product capable of withstanding the vissisitudes of 
fate all our programs must survive (the good ones, anyway).

    But I was correct "school assignment" it seems. Would it be too much 
to ask that you answer our questions in that regard? Back in MY college 
days I had some assignments which were "any non-living reference" but 
also others where you WERE allowed to get people to help. After all, it 
IS part of an analysts training to learn how to identify and obtain 
competent "staff". Even if your professor wouldn't allow DIRECT help 
he/she might think it quite clever of you to have located people willing 
to "go over" what you do -- might allow "walk through" help -- might 
allow "debugging" help.

    A simple email from your professor would do.

    I'll sign out of this discussion now since I wouldn't be much use to 
you coding sockets and only slightly more use debugging that code when 
it didn't work. I'm not all that expereinced in C (or Linux) --- my 
working career was using COBOL and Assembler under MFT through MVS/XA  
(IMB mainframe OSs). If your assignment HAD been "finished 
product"(complete working process) it would be another matter entirely 
since I am a very experienced analyst and process design doesn't depend 
upon the language used for the implementation.


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