[LCP]static vs dynamic linking.

Greg Black gjb at gbch.net
Wed May 7 09:35:01 UTC 2003

On 2003-05-06, Rokicki, Andrew wrote:

[Top-posted stuff; no attempt to do the obvious in terms of
giving us something to work with; quoting the entire message
including signatures and list trailers -- all deleted

All the above means that lots of people won't even consider
answering the question, whatever it is.  I'm one of those

If you have a question, provide enough data for people to help;
set your message out clearly so people don't have to jump
through hoops to understand it; demonstrate that you've actually
made some effort to solve the problem yourself; ask a specific
question.  All of this could have been deduced from my previous

And don't imagine that "it doesn't work" is useful in any way.
We need to know exactly what you did; exactly what happened; and
exactly how that differed from your expectations.  And we need
to know what steps you have already taken in order to solve the
problem for yourself.

Greg Black <gjb at gbch.net> <http://www.gbch.net/gjb.html>
GPG signed mail preferred; further information in headers.
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