[Linux-aus] EO2024 videos

Paul Wayper paulway at mabula.net
Thu Jan 9 16:50:24 AEDT 2025

On 9/1/25 16:33, Russell Coker via linux-aus wrote:
> YouTube currently has 12 videos from EO2024.  When will the rest be published?

I'd like to ask the same question.  I've tried a couple of quieter and less 
public ways of asking and have been told to ask publicly.

I think all attendees, the speakers that have not yet been published, and the 
Open Source community in Australia needs now to be given regular - monthly, 
for example - updates on what is being done to get all the outstanding talks 
published.  Not the radio silence we've been getting; not the 'it'll be ready 
when its ready, we're doing our best' response.  I think we can all be more 
understanding when we can be told what's happened and what is happening.

I would also like to ask what the Linux Australia Committee is doing to 
prevent this being a problem at Everything Open 2025.


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