[Linux-aus] Join the Everything Open 2025 Organising Team!

Mike O'Connor mike at pineview.net
Mon Jun 10 21:08:56 AEST 2024


*Hi everyone,*


You’ve probably heard that Everything Open is coming to Adelaide in 
January 2025! It is over 20 years since we last hosted our open source 
technologies conference here, so we are looking forward to welcoming you 
back, this time at the Adelaide Convention Centre from Mon 20 - Wed 22 
January 2025.

As we start preparing in earnest, we need to expand our organising team. 
As you might be aware, we have a number of roles that are needed to make 
the conference a success, including but not limited to:


    Communications officer


    Event coordinator




    Speaker liaison


    Sponsorship coordinator


    Volunteer coordinator

While being based in Adelaide or nearby is beneficial, it is not a 
requirement for being a part of the team. We also know that many people 
have not been involved in running a conference before, so we have guides 
and experienced people to help you along the way.

If this is something you are interested in, we want to hear from you! 
Please reach out to us at contact at everythingopen.au 
<mailto:contact at everythingopen.au>and let us know you would like to be 

As usual, we will also open a Call for Volunteers for people to assist 
during the week of the conference, which will come out later this year.

With thanks,

Mike O'Connor

Conference Chair

Everything Open 2025

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