[Linux-aus] Re: High school computing texts

Andrew Donnellan ajdlinux at gmail.com
Thu Mar 22 15:07:20 UTC 2007

On 3/22/07, Donna Benjamin <donna at cc.com.au> wrote:
> For reference... Yr 12 IT syllabus around the country...
> The new 2007-2010 Victorian syllabus does not mention open source.
> http://www.vcaa.vic.edu.au/vce/studies/infotech/infotechindex.html

It would be interesting to see what syllabuses/exams mention open
source. I know that the past two years of the NSW Software Design and
Development course have mentioned it, and one even has a question
asking about the technologies that lead to the open source

> http://www.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/syllabus_hsc/syllabus2000_listi.html#it2006

As I think I've said before, there are actually three ICT related
subjects for the HSC. I'm not sure about other states.
> Can't find it.

The ACT appears to let individual schools create courses, however they
must be approved by the BSSS. There is a list of courses on their
website - http://www.bsss.act.edu.au/curriculum/courses_new.

Andrew Donnellan
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