[Linux-aus] Converting Linux Australia's "Committee" to a "Board"

Brenda Aynsley bpa at iss.net.au
Sat Mar 3 09:02:10 UTC 2007

Stewart Smith wrote:

> the workload of the treasurer is
>  _                      
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> and it has a tendancy across volunteers to wear people out and have them
> running for the hills at the end of the time, or do a really half-arsed
> job and leave some poor sod to try and clean up the mess (like having to
> wind up the organisation because it discovers it's bankrupt).
> Solving this problem is probably THE most important thing for an
> organisation to achieve to be sustainable.... we've probably solved it
> 20%.

if the job is so ENORMOUS, change the job parameters!

Here's a typical description of the role of a treasurer


How different to this is the role of linuxaus' treasurer?

Brenda Aynsley, FACS, PCP
Director Oz Business Partners http://www.ozbusinesspartners.com/
Mobile:+61(0) 412 662 988 || Skype: callto://baynsley
Phone:08 8357 8844  Fax:08 8272 7486 Nodephone:08 7127 0107

Chairman Pearcey Foundation, SA Committee www.pearcey.org.au
Immediate Past Chairman ACS SA Branch www.acs.org.au/sa

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