[Linux-aus] Netcomm use Linux

Andrew Donnellan ajdlinux at gmail.com
Wed Jun 20 23:19:23 UTC 2007

On 6/21/07, David Newall <david at davidnewall.com> wrote:
> Netcomm use Linux in their gear but don't acknowledge it, nor provide
> source.  I've had a couple of gentle shots at them before, and all this
> talk of lottery penguins has motivated me to try again.  I sent their MD
> a letter (http://davidnewall.com/WhyIDon'tSellNetcomm.html).  I do hope
> they mend their wayward ways.

BTW, I hope you don't sell NetComm even if they fix this. I've had,
um, bad experiences with their modems before.

Andrew Donnellan <><
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