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compulsory accreditation (was Re: [Linux-aus] Interview with Mark Lloyd from ACS ...)

Janet Hawtin wrote:

It is yet another process which undermines Australian's rights to participate as valued individuals in their communities and yet again controls access in the interests of off shore proprietary interests. Its a recurring theme and a sad one.

ah so you're saying registration of IT practitioners is not a good thing no matter who is the registering authority because it means some sort of peer review of capabilities which therefore undermines the contribution that people can make?

I think accreditation is a good thing because it is peer reviewed or judged against some agreed standard/s. I guess what we need to do is ensure that the agreed standard/s is an appropriate basket of knowledge, skills, experience and practice.

"The Adelaide public meeting will be held at 3pm on Thursday 28
September, at the Disability Information and Resource Centre (DIRC), 195
Gilles St, Adelaide. "

Well perhaps it might be nice to make a valid ACS comment on the proposals?

I am sure we will once the proposals are documented.

Why they are not a part of a FOSS inclusive discussion on empowering NGO's
and why they only recommend centrally brokered opportunities.

is FOSS the only way to empower NGOs? What about the techsoup option that CISA will be offering later this year?

Why accreditation is the only option considered and open standards, good processes and transparent technologies are not a part of the dialogue?

indeed i agree and said so above.

Purpose and function are playing a second role to a predefined structure which benefits a few at the expense of wider community benefits.

i am not sure I understand this comment per se?

If I was to look for a way to have the IT sector represented either to NGO's or to government it would not be through so much fancy footwork or sleight of hand.

cheers brenda

Brenda Aynsley, FACS
Chairman ACS SA http://www.acs.org.au/

The ACS Computer Professional Educational Program impacts
on the Practising Computer Professional scheme. Visit
http://www.acs.org.au/cpprogram/cpp.htm to see how.

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