[Linux-aus] Voting has started

Stewart Smith stewart at linux.org.au
Wed Jan 18 10:37:01 UTC 2006

On Wed, 2006-01-18 at 09:57 +0800, skribe wrote:
> I'm going to insist on being a pendant about this.  Sorry.  
> Pia claimed that the reason that noms were sent to the list was because of 
> transparency.  This is also about transparency.  If a candidate who has the 
> required number of noms has declined or withdrawn then that needs to be 
> included on the noms page.  Otherwise it looks dodgy.  

There is (currently) no way to not accept a nomination apart from
ignoring it (and hence not becoming a candidate). This may be changed in
the future.

There is no code (currently) to handle a candidate (i.e. somebody who
has accepted a nomination) from withdrawing it. I have done this

if you want to contribute and help code either of the above - you're
more than welcome to.

There's also numerous other improvements that can be made on the voting
and membership system. help is appreciated! PHP and SQL knowledge is a

> The other alternative is for you to have a separate page for all the 
> candidates, not just those nominated. The number of candidates needs to match 
> those on the ballot.  It would make it easier to read their blurbs as well.  

The number of candidates *does* match those on the ballot. The number of
nominees is differnt than the number of candidates. You cannot appear on
the ballot paper unless you ack your nominations.

It would be possible (if desired) to put the spiels on the ballot paper

But, then again, it's often useful to read what people nominating them
said about them.

Then it gets really long.

so having two browser windows open is how I like to do it.

At least it's a pretty easy choice for executive positions this year :)
Stewart Smith (stewart at linux.org.au)
Committee Member, Linux Australia
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