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Re: [Linux-aus] ZDNet: Windows to Linux, and vice versa

Brent Wallis wrote:

We need to get across the point that that is a very, very bad business move.

Stories....real life stories is what we need.....

Why do we need to get it across though? Surely the companies smart enough to figure out that open source matters by themselves will win in the end anyway? It's hard to compete with a company whose it costs are significantly less than yours (assuming you're in an industry where IT matters).

For example, I'm at the MySQL User's Conference at the moment, and at one point Yahoo, Livejournal, Technorati, Google, Digg and YouTube were all in the room discussing together their shared use of Apache and MySQL. Clearly bay area companies have it figured out.

Surely other companies will work it out when they start asking what is the common element between all these massive installations that just work?
