[Linux-aus] Choosing the LCA '07 host city

Julien Goodwin jgoodwin at studio442.com.au
Fri Nov 18 13:16:03 UTC 2005

On Tue, Nov 15, 2005 at 01:10:32PM +1100, Andrew Cowie arranged a set of bits into the following:
> With any luck the decision will again be obvious. But, because decisions
> on process and determination rest with the Board, this year there is a
> bit of trickiness because members of two of the bidding teams are on the
> Managing Committee. [Pia Waugh, Sydney; Jon Oxer and Stewart Smith,
> Melbourne]. All three have already themselves acknowledged that they
> will have to recluse themselves from any votes on the issue.
I'd just like to state publically that whilst Jon Oxer has been on the
melb-lca list he's had no active involvement since June and what
involvement he has had was mostly generic advice, (There was one phone
call in October inquiring of the bid process but that was a call to the
LA pres). I feel that, knowing Jon, he would be able to cast a fair bid
if needed, however I'm certainly happy to see him publically state his
percieved conflict of intrest. Stewart Smith has been more involved and
it would almost certainly be a conflict of intrest for him to vote.

> Next I will invite candidate cities to make a bid. The form of this is
> entirely open to your choice; be creative and inventive. For '03, Perth
> made a video! (Now THAT was cool... but also way above and beyond the
> call of duty). Sydney has already made its "bid" by email to linux-aus.
> (nudge nudge, Melbourne!).
It's being edited now, and should have been sent yesterday (prod prod
melb-lca people).

Julien Goodwin
melb-lca lead
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