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[Linux-aus] 2005/02/22 Committe Meeting Minutes

Minutes for Linux Australia Committee Meeting
2005/02/22 21:00 +1100
Conducted over teleconference

   Jonathan Oxer (President)
   Pia Smith (Vice-President)
   Anthony Towns (Secretary)
   Mark Tearle (Treasurer)
   Andrew Cowie
   Stewart Smith

Absent with apologies:
   Geoffrey Bennett

1. Acceptance of minutes

  Motion: That the minutes [0] of the Annual General Meeting held on the
  7th February 2005 accurately reflect the proceedings of that meeting.

The motion was proposed by Anthony Towns and seconded by Jonathan Oxer.
The motion was passed unanimously, with five votes and no abstentions
(Pia Smith being absent for this vote).


  Motion: That the summary [1] of the committee meeting held on the 13th
  February 2005 accurately reflect the proceedings of that meeting.

The motion was proposed by Anthony Towns and seconded by Jonathan Oxer.
The motion was passed unanimously, with five votes and no abstentions
(Pia Smith being absent for this vote).

and the Financial summary as posted to the committee list.

2. Omnibus motion confirming decisions at committee meeting in Sydney

    (1) That Andrew Cowie continue to act as Linux Australia's public
    (2) That the committee office holders be authorised to act in the
        interests of the organisation on their own recognizance on non
        controversial issues, with later review by the committee.
    (3) That members' concerns in regards to political issues affecting
        Linux and open source software can be addressed by Linux
        Australia, and will be one of our priorities.
    (4) That Paul Russell be authorised to continue to represent Linux
        Australia interests in regards to intellectual property law and
        related issues.
    (5) That a subcommittee consisting of Mark Tearle and Anthony Towns
        investigate the feasibility of accepting donations on behalf of
        open source projects, and report their findings back to the
    (6) That all expenditures from the main Linux Australia accounts
        be authorised by any two of the President, Vice-President,
        Secretary and Treasurer.
    (7) That the Treasurer continue to receive all correspondence sent
        to Linux Australia's postal address.
    (8) That Pia Smith be authorised to approve the final design of the
        Linux Australia banner.

The motion was proposed by Jonathan Oxer and seconded by Stewart Smith.
The motion was passed unanimously, with six votes in favour and no

The formal proceedings of the meeting ended at 21:10.

Anthony Towns <secretary@linux.org.au>
Secretary, Linux Australia Inc
