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Re: [Linux-aus] Organizing an Australian Open Source Roadshow?

Michael Davies wrote:
<personal opinion>

Linux [and Free and Open-Source Software] [in] Australia.

</personal opinion>

That's not what I read in the charter -

"Linux Australia" is a non-profit organisation of volunteers seeking to
promote Linux within Australia. This document describes the goal and
direction of "Linux Australia".

I admit to be new (and still an outsider) in the Oz FOSS space, but
"LINUX Australia" and the charter make it sound like it's all about
LINUX, and not about FOSS in general.

e.g. would advancing FOSS solutions on top of proprietary platforms
like UNIX be included in the charter?  What about BSD variants, or
other open source OS's?

What I'm trying to say is that:

1. Too many organizations might fragmant the efforts too much. So
I'd advice to try to fit a new activity in an existing organization
(especially if it's one as successful in organizing things like LA
and AUUG demonstrated)

2. Maybe widen LA's charter or the message it broadcasts to something
like "To promote use of FOSS software in Australia", so people know
it can be addressed for anything FOSS, without feering "traspassing"
when talking about non-direct-linux issues.

