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Re: [Linux-aus] Linux.Conf.Au 2004 thankyou...

And of course, a big thankyou to michael.

Without your efforts, everyone would be lost :)

And yeh, I never did think about pizza the same after eating it every
week for LCA2003 ;)

IPv6 Forum

> I'd just like to thank the following people for their efforts in making
> Linux.Conf.Au 2004 rock.  It's always hard detailing a list, because you
> always leave someone out, but I want to publicly say thank you to (at
> least) these people.

[ Trent "Lathiat" Lloyd  lathi@sixlabs.org ]/ "You sure as hell shouldn't be   \
[ tlhIngan Hol Dajatlh'e   www.sixlabs.org ]| fingering my toaster" -Linus     |
[ GPG Key Id: 0x04AB3C5D        www.bur.st ]| Torvalds, LCA2003 Speakers dinner|
[ IPv6 Conference  http://conf.sixlabs.org ]\ talking about ipv6 with me       /