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Re: [Linux-aus] Finding the right people in Govt

It would be interesting to try and find out how groups such as LA, AUUG
and the larger community could get involved in such a thing. And how
this would be different from a vendor getting involved (which is
arguably what should happen)?

Thoughts anyone? I'd love to know the benefits/possible benefits/how/why
attending such an event would benefit us (as opposed to having vendors

OR is there a vendor out there that would like to invite some members of
the community along too?

/me tries to stir debate and discussion :)

On Thu, 2004-01-22 at 21:37, Kimberly Shelt wrote:
> Apologies to the person who raised this question..
> I have hunted my mbox and cant find which list you posted too..
> lets hope you are here :)
> Your question was..
> "How do we find the right people in Govt regards approaching about OSS"..
> Well perhaps somewhere to start.. on a small local govt level at least..
> Starting at the smaller end, where the money is tighter might not be such a bad idea :)
> http://articles.linmagau.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=435&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0
> For those folks in Melboure.. be there or be square.. 
> For those of you not .. contact your local Govt lot and see if they will be :)
> LA Committee.. will LA be represted here ?
> Kim
> --
> http://www.linmagau.org
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Stewart Smith (stewart@linux.org.au)
Vice President, Linux Australia

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