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[Linux-aus] Re: [OT] dodging frogs in Sandfire

On Fri, 9 Jan 2004 18:03, Ben Jensz wrote:
> Day time driving is fine, but night time driving at anything above
> 80km/hr is mad unless you're driving a beefy 4WD with a decent
> bullbar.

The only time I went that slowly was dodging frogs near Sandfire - or to 
be brutally candid, dodging occasional potholes the size of a Beetle 
and letting the frogs make their own arrangements.

I remember crossing the Nullarbor (in 1985?) in a Tarago and having to 
do 30km/h on some sections so I could swerve between the 'roos that 
dotted the road like trees in an uncleared paddock. Is that insane 
enough? (-:

I also remember SYD -> MEL on the same trip, inching up to a yellow 
flashing light in really thick fog, visibility about ten meters, to 
discover that the light was warning me of 30-meter visibility. To give 
you some idea of the accuracy of that 30 meters, I was looking up at 
about 30 degrees by the time I could actually read the high-contrast 
illuminated sign. Much foggier and the sign would have been too far up 
to read. Irony, anyone? (-:

I also remember (glances off a current topic) 20km/h down that godawful 
hill in Adelaide (in about 1988), and seeing 3/4 of a long semitrailer 
sticking up out of the downhill side of the fog, at a funny angle, 
wheels up, three axles in the air one morning. Range about 50m. Not a 
sight to inspire one to recklessness.

Cheers; Leon

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