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Re: [Linux-aus] State representation on the board

On Fri, 2004-01-09 at 20:49, Brad Hards wrote:
> I don't recall seeing Hugh at a lot of CLUG meetings this year. I missed a few 
> meetings (including one where I just went to LUV instead :-), but I also 
> don't really recall Tridge talking about LA activities much.

Hugh has this thing called a "family" - it requires some resources, and
is not a process that takes nicely to being niced down a few levels :)
That's probably why he's not been at CLUG as often as he'd probably like
- scheduling everything tends to get a bit hectic - esp when you want to
see your kids before they go to sleep (not that i have children - that i
know of at least :)
Stewart Smith <stewart@linux.org.au>
Linux Australia Inc

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