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[Linux-aus] Regional Representation

I have just been reading the objectives and constitution.
The objectives talk about particulars problems of Australia
due to geographic size and high urbanisation. ( we are the
most urbanized in the world, I believe). Despite the high
urbanization, we have not developed distinctive dialects to a
marked extent. However just like our political system, people
do prefer to associate locally for a great number of things
eg football, cricket. For some events, we do act as a nation
but not for technical things AFAIK.

Im well aware of the problems of large committees but perhaps
we should be thinking of putting in a clause that ensures
that there is regional representation in the ordinary member
representatives  so 4 office bearers + 6 ordinary (regional)

On a supporting note, we do business in 3 states and maintain
contacts in 2 others, from my experience people think home
town first and some places are very cliquey - Canberra and
Brisbane are two that I know. I do try to see my outlying staff
but frequent airtravel is expensive, as a solution to that we
are looking at opensource videoconferencing solutions so that
we utilize our basically broadband network, humans do seem
to need to see the other person's body language from time to
time, definitely more frequently than an annual conference. This
list does get very heated perhaps talking and seeing would


Michael Hockey                  	Miju Systems http://www.miju.com.au/
Phone: +61 0409 835 041          	PO Box 176, Corinda Q 4075, Australia
Email: michael.hockey@miju.com.au       ABN 48 065 548 496
                     			Fax:   +61 7 3278 2343