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Re: Michael Davies nomination (was Re: [Linux-aus] Nominations page - updated)


> I dont think that we have a problem with professionalism. I
> think that the rest of Australia is playing catch-up with us
> in the Linux area. But perhaps that a parochial view :).

You've misunderstood me. What I was trying to say is that I don't see not
having a representative from every state on the committee as a bad thing. I
was indicating that it's better to have competent people and I wasn't
insinuating anything else.



"Theoden is a kindly old man. Denethor is another sort, proud
 and subtle, a man of far greater lineage and power, though
 he is not a king." [Gandalf the White to Peregrin Took]

For this week and the next, consider me as Denethor; if you
wish the Steward's kindness, then make no haste to insult him, 
or the lands under his watch.