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Re: Michael Davies nomination (was Re: [Linux-aus] Nominations page - updated)

On Thu, 8 Jan 2004, David Lloyd wrote:

I have addressed the issue of the rise of Linux/OSS with submissions
that I have made to Austrade and the INformation Industries Board in
QLd. QLd is perceived as being behind the 8-ball in terms of head
offices for large companies but when it comes to OSS/Linux because of
our history, we are well in the front particularly now that Asia is
going Linux/OSS in such a large way.

QLd was always improverished so our government and Unis were an early
adopter of Unix systems. Unlike southern Australia, our public service
is well and truly unix literate. ( try talking Unix in Canberra by way
of example).

So Linux was a natural extension. Anthony's email address indicates  his
membership in Humbug. That is probably one of the largest home unix
groups in Asia if you trawl through the list of LUGs in the region. The
president of Humbug , Mark Suter was one of the convenors of the a
previous conference.  Have a look at the Humbug website, its a very active group.
BTW Im honoured to have Mark as one of my employees.

In Brisbane, we also have the headquarters of
. RedHat internationalization centre
. Oracle development ( done largely on Linux and by preference, Im told)
. Auscert  ( not really a technical organization but important for
	e-commerce security issues).
. ISRC, part of faculty of Information Technology at QUT (
and Im of the opinion that it turns out the best IT graduates in
Australia. It uses Linux in its courses).

. the principal developer for Trolltech lives and works
here. The Trolltech QT toolkit is essential to the Hancom Linux
products that were adopted for the Linux desktop in Korea. Its
also going to be used in the desktop being developed by China,
Japan and S Korea.

. APNIC is in Brisbane
. the developers for the first opensource SSL toolkit are in Brisbane.
  ( those developers are why RSA has its research centre here).

. the most active cell of SAGE-AU is in Brisbane ( another award for

I dont think that we have a problem with professionalism. I
think that the rest of Australia is playing catch-up with us
in the Linux area. But perhaps that a parochial view :).


lloy00> Anthony,
lloy00> > My ulterior motive in this is that at the moment we've only got nominees
lloy00> > for the four extraordinary positions from three states (NSW, Vic, WA),
lloy00> > which means that either we can't even consider ordinary members from
lloy00> > those states, or that at least one of the remaining states (SA, Qld,
lloy00> > ACT) misses out on board representation entirely.
lloy00> Maybe we should include a position for the Christmas Islands, East Timor and
lloy00> the Australian Anatarctic Territory? Whilst it would be nice to have a
lloy00> person on the committee from each state and territory, it's highly unlikely
lloy00> to happen. Besides, I'd prefer to elect a committee of professional NSW
lloy00> people than a bunch of incompetent others...
lloy00> DSL
lloy00> --
lloy00> "Theoden is a kindly old man. Denethor is another sort, proud
lloy00>  and subtle, a man of far greater lineage and power, though
lloy00>  he is not a king." [Gandalf the White to Peregrin Took]
lloy00> For this week and the next, consider me as Denethor; if you
lloy00> wish the Steward's kindness, then make no haste to insult him,
lloy00> or the lands under his watch.
lloy00> _______________________________________________
lloy00> linux-aus mailing list
lloy00> linux-aus@lists.linux.org.au
lloy00> http://lists.linux.org.au/listinfo/linux-aus

Michael Hockey                  	Miju Systems http://www.miju.com.au/
Phone: +61 0409 835 041          	PO Box 176, Corinda Q 4075, Australia
Email: michael.hockey@miju.com.au       ABN 48 065 548 496
                     			Fax:   +61 7 3278 2343