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Re: Michael Davies nomination (was Re: [Linux-aus] Nominations page - updated)

<quote who="Anthony Towns">
> On Tue, Jan 06, 2004 at 09:23:49AM +1030, Michael Davies wrote:
>> Michael would like to elected to Linux Australia as an ordinary
>> committee member.  After the experience of leading the organising of
>> Linux.Conf.Au 2004 Michael thinks he could help Linux Australia make
>> it to the next level.  He is passionate about open-source and free
>> software, and wants to make a difference.
>> He thinks Linux Australia should be truely representative of LUGs all
>> around the country, and should strive to have good working
>> relationships with other groups such as AUUG, the ACS, and other such
>> professional associations.  Michael feels sorry for the organisers of
>> Linux.Conf.Au 2005 and wants to help ease their load.
> Along these lines, I'd like to nominate Michael for the position of
> Vice President; from my vantage point, his work on l.c.a this year has
> been incredible, and I figure if he's not so burnt out as to be fleeing
> the country like some previous l.c.a head organisers have, that he'll
> do a great job as VP.
> My ulterior motive in this is that at the moment we've only got
> nominees for the four extraordinary positions from three states (NSW,
> Vic, WA), which means that either we can't even consider ordinary
> members from those states, or that at least one of the remaining states
> (SA, Qld, ACT) misses out on board representation entirely.
> I'm not sure if Michael will accept the nomination, but given
> nominations are closing today...

Hi AJ (and Australia),

Unfortunately I don't accept the nomination for Vice President.  I
couldn't anyway since it's after 5:45pm :)  I've only just downloaded mail
for the fist time since 9am or so this morning - I have a conference to
run, remember? :-)

Good luck to all candidates running, and thanks for the (undeserved)
confidence in me,


Michael Davies               Linux.Conf.Au Adelaide Jan 12-17 2004
michael at msdavies dot net  Australia's National Linux Conference