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Re: Michael Davies nomination (was Re: [Linux-aus] Nominations page - updated)

<quote who="Anthony Towns">

> Along these lines, I'd like to nominate Michael for the position of Vice
> President; from my vantage point, his work on l.c.a this year has been
> incredible, and I figure if he's not so burnt out as to be fleeing the
> country like some previous l.c.a head organisers have, that he'll do a
> great job as VP.

I would very happily second Michael if he accepted. In fact, I would urge
him to run. :-)

- Jeff

Come to gnome.conf.au 2004!   http://www.gnome.org/~jdub/2004/gnome.conf.au/
    "I'm just mucking round down the shallow end of the literary pool, I
                          suppose." - Mick Molloy