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[Linux-aus] Re: [LACTTE] Constitution Version 6 - Last one!


First you say:

On Tue, Jan 06, 2004 at 03:40:36AM +1100, Pia Smith wrote:


> > > Anyone second this change?
> > 
> > We can just vote on it at the SGM I think.
> We shall be voting on the AGM as a whole first. If that doesn't pass,
> then we can do change by change.

Presumably you mean SGM.

Than you say:

> Ah, obviously a typo. Pity it wasn't picked up before. We are however
> voting on the changed constitution, and the summary of changes is only
> for reference and convenience. 

Actually we are voting on each of the proposed changes. I'm not reading
the summary. I'm not reading your integrated version of the changes and
constition. I'm talking about the 'list of proposed changes'.

Each of which if typically voted on one (by boring) one.

> So the actual changes within the
> constitution are the correct ones, therefore (2) still exists. 

Unfortunately they don't match what you proposed. Sorry, due to reasons
you'll be aware of I'm going to be a stickler for crossing every i and
dotting every t -- only because some decisions in the past have come
back to haunt me.

> We obviously can't make the change to the summary of changes (as we have
> already said we can't change past version 5) and so it will have to
> stay.

<sigh> I'm only ever talking about the 'List of proposed changes'.

Anyway the integrated version is a convienence, if you trust it, but isn't

That particular change (22) isn't a big deal and it won't break things
if it is dropped. Remember we can always do another SGM.

> > > > 	- Change 23; is unneccessary, Common/Company seals are no longer
> > > > 	  required for companies or associations in NSW (they are
> > > > 	  optional).
> > > 
> > > Actually, if you read the NSW organisations constitution guide, it _IS_
> > > still a requirement.
> > 
> > I can't see it anywhere, where are you looking?
> ...same place as you apparently.
> > <URL:
> > http://www.fairtrading.nsw.gov.au/business/associations/aboutincorporatedassociations.html>
> http://www.legislation.nsw.gov.au/fullhtml/inforce/act+143+1984+FIRST+0+N
> Schedule 1 Matters to be provided for in rules of an incorporated
> association and in model rules

Ahh, I think you mean section 15 but yes I see we do. I'll see if I can
get one before LCA then.


 `` We are shaped by our thoughts, we become what we think.
 When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never
 leaves. '' -- Buddha, The Dhammapada