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[Linux-aus] Re: Kim nominates Stewart (-: and Leon makes a political speech :-)

On Mon, 5 Jan 2004 12:19, Kimberly Shelt wrote:
> I would like to nominate him for the position of President

Stewart would also make a pretty reasonable Prez, and doing the Prez of 
Vice thing seems to be doing good to his soul.

However, Pia has some special magic, some of it to do with being a 
well-spoken femme (this shocks people who think all geeks are rude 
pimply teenage blokes into listening) but most of it to do simply with 
who she is. I'd like to see that play itself out for another year or 
two, at least.

If Pia gets hit by a meteor before the elections, however, I'd be 
delighted with Stewart as Prez.

Some might see a conflict of interest in having both Pia and Jeff on 
Committee, as would have I a year ago, but I've watched them work 
things out between themselves unusually well, and they appear to have 
the ability to disagree amongst themselves without rancour. For this 
and similar reasons I'd wholeheartedly endorse having Jeff on Committee 
while Pia is Prez, and if for any reason he doesn't get elected, I'd be 
interested in having him seconded in anyway.

I've already posted on AfC plus the existing Committee, and on Mark 
Tearle, but I don't know our other current nominees well enough to 
comment (ie, please don't take my silence on them to be in any way 
indicative of disapproval).

As with Tony B-T, I think MissKim herself would be a useful addition to 
LA's Committee, but I get the impression that her candle's aflame both 
fore and aft already. I wonder if we could provoke Bernard Blackham to 
sufficient recklessness to stand for office? (-:

Cheers; Leon

http://cyberknights.com.au/     Modern tools; traditional dedication
http://plug.linux.org.au/       Committee Member, Perth Linux User Group
http://slpwa.asn.au/            Committee Member, Linux Professionals WA
http://linux.org.au/            Committee Member, Linux Australia