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Re: [Linux-aus] Nomination

<quote who="Anthony Towns">
> On Sun, Jan 04, 2004 at 07:52:51AM +1100, Michael Still wrote:
>> I believe there is a lot of capacity for greater cooperation between
>> AUUG  and Linux Australia. I think that being on both committees is an
>>  advantage, and wouldn't stop me from doing the right thing for Linux
>> Australia, or AUUG individually.
> Hrm, I notice Andrew Cowie's also on the AUUG board. Is this a coup
> attempt?
> Alternatively, if having one person on both boards would be a win,
> would two people on both boards be a bigger win? Why, or why not? I
> guess I'm not really seeing how having overlapping exec cttes is going
> to do anything particularly impressive. Educate me?

Indeed.  Greater cooperation is a good thing, but at the end of the day,
AUUG and LA are both trying to be the leading OSS representative group in
Australia, so there is an opportunity for conflict of interest.

I'd suggest some overlap between the execs is good since we're all
friends, but if there is to remain two groups, both respective boards
should also contain people that are independant too.

(Monopolies are bad, diversity is good etc etc etc)

Michael Davies               Linux.Conf.Au Adelaide Jan 12-17 2004
michael at msdavies dot net  Australia's National Linux Conference