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[Linux-aus] Nomination

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[Time is getting a bit low for people to nominate, with four days 
remaining before the deadline, so I am going ahead and doing this now, 
and encourage others to do the same]

I write to self-nominate myself for one of the ordinary board member 
positions on the Linux Australia committee.

A little about myself: I have been a Unix user since 1994, and have been
using Linux since 1996.  I released my first open source package in 2000.
I am currently a member of the AUUG national committee. I hold a Bachelor 
of Engineering from UNiversity of Canberra, and work fulltime as a 
software engineer. I have in the past managed networks and systems 
professionally. The only WIndows machine I own is the one my wife uses for 
solitaire. As soon as I can find a RDP server for Linux, that will change.

I believe there is a lot of capacity for greater cooperation between AUUG 
and Linux Australia. I think that being on both committees is an 
advantage, and wouldn't stop me from doing the right thing for Linux 
Australia, or AUUG individually.

I strongly believe in open source, and would enjoy this opportunity to 
help the community out.

You can find out more about me at http://www.stillhq.com and 
http://www.google.com [1]. Feel free to email me as well, unless you're a 


[1]: I'll let you in on a secret -- I never vote for someone in something 
like this until I've done a Google and checked out their contribution to 
the community.

- -- 

Michael Still (mikal@stillhq.com) | "All my life I've had one dream,
http://www.stillhq.com            |  to achieve my many goals"
UTC + 11                          |    -- Homer Simpson

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