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[Linux-aus] Re: No feedback - Community

On Monday,  5 January 2004 at 12:56:52 +1100, Kimberly Shelt wrote:
> *snips a lot.. but what you have said Greg I pretty much agree with
> I would like to put my 2cents worth in on the following point..
> Specifically the last sentance in this paragraph..
> On Mon, Jan 05, 2004 at 11:32:28AM +1030, Greg 'groggy' Lehey wrote:
>> I haven't seen any particular concern on the part of the AUUG
>> membership about a merger, though we haven't done any asking.  At the
>> last AUUG AGM, I stated that we had had discussions, and that we
>> needed to find out more about what our membership thinks.  I didn't
>> get any feedback.
> No feedback..

You may be misunderstanding here.  I didn't ask for feedback, so it's
not overly surprising that I didn't get any.  As you know, we first
want to understand where we are and where it would make sense to go.

I won't comment about the rest of the message.  Well, I started, then
I realized I was agreeing with just about everything you said.  I'd be
interested to hear how many people who disagree are actively doing
things themselves.

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