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Re: [Linux-aus] Constitution Version 6 - Last one!

<quote who="Brad Hards">

> (2) As soon as practicable after receiving an application for membership, the 
> committee is to determine whether to approve or to reject the application. 
> Suggested text:
> (2) As soon as practicable after receiving an application for membership, the 
> Secretary is to approve the application or refer the application to the  
> committee, which is then to determine whether to approve or to reject the 
> application. 
> That change should only allow the Secretary to approve approve, not reject, 
> per the basis of the change.

Agree with this; seems to be the source of my confusion earlier. Although I
do prefer the former text, because it allows the committee to delegate the
task as it sees fit, rather than having a constitutional dependency on the
secretary (sure, the secretary could delegate, but it's very explicit with
this wording).

- Jeff

Come to gnome.conf.au 2004!   http://www.gnome.org/~jdub/2004/gnome.conf.au/
   "The plural of lego is legouch, from when you tread on those plural on
                  the floor in bare feet." - Telsa Gwynne