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[Linux-aus] SGM/AGM reminder

Hi all,

This was sent on the 22nd December, just a quick reminder :) Also all
members can vote in the elections, so if you are not a member and want
to vote, become one. Even if you can't be present you can still send a
proxy vote to committee@linux.org.au.

SGM/AGM at LCA2004
We are holding two short meetings at LCA2004, an SGM and then the AGM
directly following. We are running both by the previous constitution,
and thus individual votes must be either by a show of hand, or a proxy
vote sent to the secretary.

        + To be held on the 15th January at LCA2004.
        + Open
        + The reason for the SGM is to submit the proposed constitution
changes for a vote. The constitution changes can be found at
http://www.linux.org.au/org/ and the latest version is V5, which had a
few spelling mistakes picked up and the 'Honorary Life Member' further
defined. The constitution changes attempt to make administration of
Linux Australia easier, transform it into an online organisation, and
lower the barrier of entry (see the document for a full listing of
changes). This has been lodged with the Secretary, and this requisition
is GPG signed.
        + Close

        + To be held on the 15th January at LCA2004, directly following
the Linux Australia SGM.
        + Open
        + Approval of the LCA2004 AGM meeting minutes, and the SGM of
the previous committee from the 9th December.
        + Presidents Report
        + Treasurers Report
        + Nominations read out and opportunity for any further comments
        + Election, with proxy votes taken into consideration
        + New committee introduced
        + New members statement considered
        + Close