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Re: [Linux-aus] And now for something completely different

On Tue, 2003-02-04 at 16:52, David Lloyd wrote:

> It struck me that seeing that lots of people are travelling to Adelaide
> in 2004 for the conference, Canberra in 2005 and wherever else
> afterwards, that holding a RHCE/SAIR/LPI/Other Training Certification
> close to the date of the conference could be useful...

I'm personally interested in promoting the LPI certification and will be
in contact with them fairly soon. I'm also interested in the RH and SAIR
cert's but LPI is not vendor specific, is run by a non-vendor and is
quite good. 


There is heaps of information available on the web and anyone interested
in contributing to it as a project can go to lpcd.sourceforge.net and
have a look. Geoffrey Robinson has done a lot of work on this.

Maybe we could get them all to give us conference (and member) discounts
and we can have a bit certification conf :)

Just an idea, another one we are to discuss
