[Computerbank] Debian PGI Installer

Daniel Stone dstone at trinity.unimelb.edu.au
Wed Dec 4 06:44:01 UTC 2002

On Wed, Dec 04, 2002 at 09:13:12AM +1030, David Lloyd scrawled:
> We happen to be working on a project that is using the Debian PGI
> installer. We are:
>  * customising the installer and branding it to our name (Microbits)
>  * creating a graphical and GUI interface with it that is totally
>    compatible with the default, aweful Debian installer
>  * making it easy to use

I don't see why a GUI is necessary.

Remember, point-and-click doesn't make something easy to use. Sometimes
it's just easier to use the arrow keys. Good UI design makes stuff easy
to use, not a cutesy little pointer. Can you name a current BIOS which
has a GUI? Not really; they all have tried and tested, good UI design.
Which doesn't involve a mouse.

> Once we have worked out the nuances in the installer--it involves quite
> a number of steps and can be quite finnicky plus python (icck) isn't my
> most favourite language--I'll get the latest CAISA install from Romana
> and write one against it.
> Whether Computerbank chooses to use it is up to Computerbank; I could go
> on about the rather *amusing* installer currently used in South
> Australia until the cows come home. However, I don't particularly want
> cows in my backyard and besides which what would I do with a bunch of
> female bovines?

If you have any problems with the installer, why has no-one heard about
them until now? I think Desktop Penguin is the best build for
Computerbank. While it may not be suitable for Microbits, Computerbank
builds a great deal of machines with a huge amount of repetition and
very, very little variance, which means something like DP is perfectly
suited to the task.

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